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Showing posts with label EBEIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EBEIS. Show all posts

Sunday, December 07, 2014

How To Print School Building Inventory Pages

by Gil Camporazo

All public elementary and secondary school buildings are required to be properly accounted an inventory being scheduled. It had already started and it should be encoded online to the respective school's EBEIS account on or before December 12, 2014.

Most of the schools concerned would like to have their own printed copy directly from the site. Since there's no feature or button for printing, this tutorial is created to assist their printing needs.

To all school physical facilities coordinators, property custodians, ICT coordinators, feel free to familiarize with this simple printing tutorial.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

How To Solve Non-display of EBEIS Side Bar

by Gil Camporazo

All public and private elementary and secondary schools and even state universities are required to submit online their statistics for processing and validation to improve the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) of the Department of Education (DepEd) for school year 2014-2015.

For the public elementary and secondary schools, the cut-off date for data collection, processing and validation is June 6, 2014.

Problem Encountered

Some schools have reported to the closed group of Learner Information System Helpdesk, School Forms Reenginerring Team (SFRT), and EBEIS Helpdesk that they couldn't effect their updating tasks which will be due on August 31 for encoding and submission, validation on September 1 - 12, 2014, the non-display of their EBEIS left side bar which displays the basic button like EBEIS Data Entry.